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Luxor Times: 1 Oct 2015

Luxor Times

Thursday 1 October 2015

Rediscovering King Tut’s tomb in search for the Lady

Dr. Nicholas Reeves at KV57 (tomb of Horemheb) in the Valley of the Kings, speaking about his theory. This video was recorded on the second day of his visit to Luxor accompanied by Dr. Mamdouh El Danaty to examine evidences in the tomb of the boy King and other tombs of the same era in their pursuit to reveal if there is more behind the walls of the tomb which was discovered in 1922 by British explorer Howard Carter.
For more exclusive footage and detailed account of what happened in Luxor, watch this space ... Only with Luxor Times 


#Egypt #KingTut #Nefertiti #Luxor #ValleyoftheKings #Egyptology #Archaeology #FactumArte #AncientEgypt

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Rediscovering King Tut’s tomb in search for the truth

Dr. Mamdouh El Damaty at KV57 (tomb of Horemheb) in the Valley of the Kings, speaking about the theory of Dr. Nicholas Reeves who is present too. It was recorded on their second day of their visit to Luxor examine evidences in the tomb of the boy King and other tombs of the same era in their pursuit to reveal what's behind the walls of the tomb which was discovered in 1922 by British explorer Howard Carter.
For more exclusive footage and detailed account of what happened in Luxor, watch this space ... Only with Luxor Times 


#Egypt #KingTut #Nefertiti #Luxor #ValleyoftheKings #Egyptology #Archaeology #FactumArte #AncientEgypt

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