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Luxor Times: 30 Jan 2013

Luxor Times

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Djehuty's latest discoveries, A 17th Dynasty sarcophagus and more

Dr. Mohamed Ibrahim, Minister State of Antiquities, announced the discovery of a wooden sarcophagus of a child dated back to 17th Dynasty in Djehuty’s tomb in Dra Abu el-Naga, West bank, Luxor.
 The Spanish mission headed by Dr. Jose Manuel Galan, has discovered the sarcophagus during the ongoing excavation and documentation of the tomb.
The sarcophagus dimensions 20cm x 28cm x 90cm prove that it was made for a child. It doesn’t bear any engravings or decoration.
Mansour Boraik mentioned that the mission also found a group of pottery as well as a number of wooden Ushabiti figures wrapped in linen were beside the child’s sarcophagus.
They represent Ahmose a priest who played an important role during the 18th Dynasty. Mansour referred that the same priest could possibly be the famous Ahmosa Saya Ir who was worshipped later in the New Kingdom.
More about the work on Djehuty Project including the work diaries and photo gallery of the latest discovered objects, please visit The Project site

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